London Building Surveyors

The Ins and Outs of Why You Need Your Property Surveyed

So you’re ready to stake your claim on a piece of land in London, Essex or elsewhere in The UK. What will you do with it? Is it in the country, begging you to build an enchanting cottage upon its grassy expanse? Perhaps it’s a lot within the cityscape of London, and you wish to build your business there.

Possibly, you bought or inherited the land and accompanying structure(s). Whatever the reason, it’s always best to have the property surveyed by a licensed professional for several reasons.

Boundary Lines

Fighting property disputes is a stressful and expensive procedure. You can avoid such disputes by having the property surveyed to determine the boundary lines. From simply mowing the lawn to building new structures, knowing exactly where your property ends and the neighbours’ begins can save you many headaches – even if the only action your neighbour takes is regularly popping by to discuss the trimming of the bordering tree and their nosey in-laws (discussing them, not trimming them).

Likewise, knowing the boundary lines will ensure you know when a neighbour is infringing on your property. That new privacy fence of theirs is only six inches over the boundary, but that’s six inches too many.

Underground Hardware

No, underground hardware isn’t referencing some seedy store that sells nuts and bolts – at least not in this circumstance. It’s a reference to all of the lines and pipes beneath your property. Think gas, water, electric, sewage . . . you get the picture. A property surveyor can identify where and what the lines are so you don’t inadvertently damage them.

Catastrophe can strike if you need to replace a septic tank and accidentally hit a gas line or sewer or electric and telephone lines while setting your business’ foundation. Not to mention, digging into your land without conducting a property survey could have legal ramifications (another ferocious beast entirely).


If you weren’t already aware of it, a property survey can inform you of your land’s zoning classification. If the land features your home, then it’s classified as residential. If it’s the lot your business sits on, then it’s probably zoned for business. Past owners may have used the land for something entirely different, so it’s always good know.

Deviating from the land’s original zoning classification could land you in hot water. For instance, you decide to convert your small office building into a home or vice versa. If you wish to do something along these lines, it’s best you seek the advice of an attorney or a government zoning official to determine your options.

Knowing these things ahead of time is way more preferable than having the property surveyed after an issue arises. No one wants to spend countless amounts of time and money battling legal matters because they accidentally invaded another person’s space or destroyed government property. So before you do any type of building or digging on your land, have a licensed property surveyor from London or Essex inspect it.

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