Leaseholders – do you own your loft space?

  London loft space is perhaps some of, if not the most, valuable in the country. With the capital remaining an ever-popular and sought after place to live, space always seems to be at an increasing minimum, and prices at an increasing high. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why many people see loft … Continued

You Need Building Regulations Approval If . . .

Once upon a time, if you wanted to build a structure, you just did it. There was no red tape to watch out for, no rules to be followed, and no one to answer to. Now, in 2015, you have to follow building codes and regulations as well as seek approval from and inform various … Continued

Building Regulations – Everything you need to know

In the case of almost every type of building work, building regulations approval is needed. It can seem like a time-consuming, and frankly, annoying part of your project, but checking everything you plan to do has approval and being given the green light by the authorities at the right time, will save you a lot … Continued

You Don’t Need Building Regulations Approval If . . .

Many people dream of building their own home or remodelling the one they already live in. For those who live in the United Kingdom (excluding Scotland and Northern Ireland), taking on such a grand venture requires some navigation around legislature. Before a hammer is even lifted, certain projects require building regulations approval. The Building Regulations … Continued